Polski3's View from Here

Quote of some personal revelence: "Is a dream a lie, that don't come true, or is it something worse?"

Saturday, May 13, 2006

My Son's placement....

Thanks for the advice and suggestions. FYI, I cannot talk to our counselor about it.....our junior high of almost 900 high minority, majority low socio-economic student population does not have a counselor. Not one. Scheduling is done by one of the vp's. We had a "counselor" a couple of years ago, but she was grossly ineffective and made it clear that she didn't like kids. Or any teacher that was not of the same ethnic background as she.

Also., Teaming is pretty much dead. This is due to the mandates of the almighty testing, many of our students are placed in alternative lang. arts classes (High Point) and or alternative math classes where they are part of the herd of 30+ students in those classrooms and don't get much real help from the single teacher stuck trying to work miracles with them.

I believe that when the time comes, I will ask for my son to be placed with teachers of my choosing. His educational opportunities will be limited at the jhs where I teach (lack of more intellectually challenging classes in science, math and social studies), but his mother and I will keep working to fill in those gaps.

Thanks for reading my blog! Comments and suggestions are welcome!