Polski3's View from Here

Quote of some personal revelence: "Is a dream a lie, that don't come true, or is it something worse?"

Friday, January 11, 2008

Hurting the Kids some More

As I have often groused about to anyone who would listen, California's elected politicians spend way too much money. Some important things that need financing are not financed by our State Legislators; no, they turn to the voters to pass expensive state propositions that cost us millions of dollars year after year. So now, our Governor is talking tough. He says we need to stop spending more than we have. I agree with this. But, I don't agree with some of where he proposes to cut.

In an article about Governor S's proposed spending cuts, "The governor wants to take more than $1 billion from before- and after-school programs for low-scoring students, career and technical classes and the small-class-size program. He also wants to spend $358 million less on special education." This is wrong. This proposed cut takes from the kids. Why the heck are they not talking about taking from places like State Department of Education and County Offices of Education ? Cut from the bureaucracy ! As minor of an amount of money in the state scheme of things as it is, does the Governor really need to spend $150k annually for an Education Advisor when he has a duly elected State Superintendent of Public Instruction to advise and inform him on educational issues? For a change, cut the bureaucracy, not the teachers and programs for the kids !

So, as usual, it will be the children of California to suffer due to the gross neglect and self-serving behaviors of our state government officials.

Thanks for reading my blog ! I welcome your comments.