Polski3's View from Here

Quote of some personal revelence: "Is a dream a lie, that don't come true, or is it something worse?"

Sunday, February 01, 2009

No Homework equals TOO MANY F's

At my school, there are more students in our history classes earning "below proficient" and "far below proficient" grades than ever before. In meeting as a department, we find that for the vast majority of these students is because they are not turning in homework. We debated on the nature of our homework ( which can be anything from working on projects, reading text materials, working on social studies skills activities and or demonstrating comprehension of material covered in class. ).

I try to assign my students who did not turn in homework time after school to come in to make it up with me there if they need help or clarification with it. If for some reason the student absolutely cannot come after school for me, I have an option for them of getting the work, doing it at home then having a parent sign it to indicate the parent knows it is make up work. I also mark students daily planners when they do not have their assignment to turn in. Other teachers say, "too bad, you had your chance," to holding make up work sessions on Saturday mornings.
We almost have to have these alternative options because many of our students are in some sort of remedial after school program for "subjects that are test important."

Is this lack of turning in homework an issue at your school, in your classroom ? What do you do about a lack of effort ? Please share it with us !