Polski3's View from Here

Quote of some personal revelence: "Is a dream a lie, that don't come true, or is it something worse?"

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tiered Lessons......

I will be glad when the Christmas Break gets here. There seem to be lots of little things that are making me.....mad, having less patience, upset, frustrated, ....and a few more things.

Today, in my class full of mostly highly capable, but usually making little or no effort boys, we began like usual; fill in daily planner, then go over vocabulary terms they are expected to learn and how they fit in with the current standard and lesson, then, according to my lesson plan, to a video lecture with an activity sheet to go along with it. As I moved towards starting the video lecture, I heard an unusual number of comments about the video lecture series that I have and use on occasion. So far this year, I have used it once. These were not "positive" comments. So, I turned back to the class and announced that if that was their attitude, we would do something else. So, on to an alternative lesson. I flashed a "sorry about that, but you know how this class is that you are stuck in" look to my handful of good students in that class, and we got on with the alternative lesson.

And, as usual, there were several that continued to be annoying and disruptive to their fellow classmates, so they ended up in timeout. Tomorrow may find this handful of disruptors sent to buddy room and or to the assistant principal with referrals. They have to make an effort to improve their behavior. Several members of this class was kept after school to make up some missing work.

Tiered Lessons are basically as follows: Whatever your lesson is is tier one. Tier two happens when the tier one lesson cannot happen, usually due to student behaviors and a general lack of cooperation. Tier three is strictly "stay in your seats, absolutely no talking, strict enforcement of all rules will apply, copy these questions/vocabulary/identifications, etc., answer them and they are due at end of class." Tier one lessons might have less structure and more opportunity for students to experience their learning. But, when that is not possible, then a lesson with more structure is given. As you can see in the above tier three sample, This is probably the worse type of a lesson to have. In my experience, if a class ever gets to tier three, they usually are much more cooperative and find the value in tier one type lessons.

Tomorrow is a new day.

What do you do with uncooperative classes?